On occasion plumbing problems will crop up for Mount Pleasant home owners. Whenever you need someone to fix a pipe or leaky faucet call KCs Plumbing for a plumber. We are located close by and ready to fix any problem that crops up. Call now to book a professional Mount Pleasant plumber.
Mount Pleasant is a neighborhood in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, stretching from Cambie Street to Clark Drive and from Great Northern Way and 2nd, to 16th and Kingsway. The neighborhood, once characterized as working-class, has undergone a process of gentrification since the early 1990s, including the area around the Main Street and Broadway intersection.
The neighborhood is served by the Canada Line, an extension of SkyTrain from Downtown Vancouver to Vancouver International Airport.
Mount Pleasant is known as one of the more up and coming neighborhoods, especially in the communities surrounding Vancouver's downtown peninsula. Many first-time homeowners and young professionals, as well as a growing number of families, call Mount Pleasant home. It is also home to a number of artists and writers, including CBC personalities Ian Hanomansing and Tod Maffin, The Tyee editor David Beers and documentary filmmaker Peter W. Klein.
Mount Pleasant owes much of its origins to a former stream and, because of it, developed much of its unique and rich character. The stream attracted a number of breweries from 1888 to 1912, hence it became known as Brewery Creek . In 1890, the first street cars arrived; as far south as 1st and Main. Brewery Creek, in conjunction with the connecting routes of Main and Kingsway, became the centre of industry and commercialism for the district of Mt. Pleasant. By 1897, there was a substantial population growth centered on Broadway and Main Street. The ability to commute to the City Centre and the industries of Brewery Creek and False Creek provided the draw for many working families that now populated the area below Broadway. In a sense, Mount Pleasant can be called Vancouver's "first suburb".
The area high above False Creek was named "Mount Pleasant" in 1888, after the Irish birthplace of Jane Fortune Kemp the wife of Henry Valentine Edmonds. Edmonds, clerk of the municipal council in New Westminster, was the original owner of much of Mount Pleasant.
Founded in 1891, Lord Strathcona Elementary is one of Vancouver’s most iconic schools. Located in the northern section of Mount Pleasant East, it is now attached to a community center and public library.
We have quite a few lovely parks in our neighborhood, and one of our favorites is a small gem called Tea Swamp Park, located at East 15th and Sophia. It’s a splendid park with a community garden, a beautiful arbor and a rarity for Vancouver: Brewery Creek – one of Vancouver’s original streams. Tea Swamp Park got its name from the tea plants that used to grow there and the fact that it was part of a large swamp at one time.
Mount Pleasant East is home to some of our team members, who love the neighborhood and live there by choice. Next time you need a reliable plumbing company, call us for fast dependable service.
Postal Code: V5T, V5Y, V6A
KCs Plumbing & Heating
17 Fawcett Rd #115
Coquitlam, BC V3K 6V2
(604) 873-3753
KCs Plumbing, Heating & Drain Services
Serving Coquitlam and the Tri-Cities areas
Open 24 Hours a Day
Phone: (604) 873-3753