
Plumbing & Heating Service Rates

No Hidden Costs


Open 24 hours for Emergency Service

Office Hours / MONDAY - FRIDAY 7:30am - 4:30 pm - Closed Saturday & Sunday 

 Labour Rates

Plumber $172.50 - minimum 1.5 Hour Service Call - ($57.50 per 1/2 hour)
Over Time $345.00 - minimum 1.5 Hour OT Service Call - ($86.25 per 1/2 hour)
Helper $90.00 - minimum 1.5 Hour Service Call - ($30.00 per 1/2 hour)
Over Time $180.00 - minimum 1.5 Hour OT Service Call - ($45.00 per 1/2 hour)
Heating Technician $202.50 - minimum 1.5 Hour Service Call - ($67.50 per 1/2 hour)
Over Time $405.00 - minimum 1.5 Hour OT Service Call - ($101.25 - 1/2 hour)
Helper $112.50 - minimum 1.5 Hour Service Call - ($37.50 per 1/2 hour)
Over Time $225.00 - minimum 1.5 Hour OT Service Call - ($56.25 per 1/2 hour)
Truck Charge: Applicable to all invoices $35.00

Machine Prices

Toilet Auger, Blue Hand Auger $25.00
Small Drain Machine (Super vee, K40) $125.00
Medium Drain Machine (3800,K50,K60) $145.00
Large Drain Machine (7500, 1500) $210.00
Hydro Jetter $225.00
Propress Machine $250.00
Sewer Camera $265.00
Sewer Camera, locator and Mapping out $390.00
USB for Sewer Camera $11.00
Disposal – Applianes, fixtures, etc. $50.00

Installation - Gas/Electric: John Wood

40 Gal HWT Electric $2022.48 ( OT-$2,639,97 + GST)
  Gas $2,464.98 ( OT-$3,082.48 + GST)
50 Gal HWT Gas $2,719.98 ( OT-$3,337.48 + GST)
60 Gal HWT                                   Electric onsite estimate required
  Gas onsite estimate required
Plus cost of permit (if requested) - As Per Municipality

Warranty : 6 Year Residential - 3 Year Commercial
Extra charge for certain conditions: Stairs, confined space, obstructions (laundry)
Basic Re/Re Hot Water Tank Warranty fee. Upsizing of venting not included $150.00 + labour

Miscellaneous Charges:
Back-flow Prevention Test - Dependent on Municipality 1.5" and under $200.00, 2" and over $255.00
Preventative Maintenance - Building specific
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